We recognise that energy consumption onboard our vessels is directly linked to fuel burning/consumption. This activity results in a number of environmental impacts, most direct of which are “Consumption of Natural Resources” and “Emissions to Air”.With the aim to minimize such impacts, we commit to examine and implement Sound Energy Management practices. This will be achieved by:
- Providing each vessel with an Energy Efficiency Management Plan that will be reviewed annually.
- Measuring vessels’ Fuel consumption and evaluating their performance.
- Investigating, evaluating and implementing Energy Efficiency Management procedures that are validated as worth adopting.
- Promoting Energy efficiency, training our people on Energy saving practices and taking actions to increase awareness of our people in respect to Energy conservation.
- Aiming to the Company’s continual improvement in the field of Energy Efficiency Management.
- Adopting Fuel Management procedures (from purchasing to consumption and residual disposal) that take into account Energy Efficiency.
This policy has the full support of the top management and applies to all onboard operations of Almi Tankers.