Almi Tankers is committed to continuous efforts to improve environmental performance in all areas required by our Environmental Management System (EMS), part of our Integrated Management System (IMS) towards a cleaner environment.Furthermore, we are committed:
- To pollution prevention through investing in human resources as well as effective maintenance of our vessels’ systems and equipment.
- To the continuous reduction of environmental risks.
- To sharing information on our environmental performance with external stakeholders.
- To resources management in a rational, sustainable and environmentally aware manner aboard and ashore.
Our goal is to achieve ZERO accidents and ZERO spills through continuous improvement.
To achieve this goal, we:
- Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and requirements and apply responsible standards where laws, regulations and requirements do not exist.
- Manage our business with the goal of preventing environmental incidents.
- We are prepared to respond quickly and effectively to environmental incidents resulting from our operations, in co-operation with industry organisations and authorised government agencies.
- Show concern and respect for the environment, emphasise every employee’s responsibility regarding our environmental performance and foster appropriate operating practices and training.
- Endeavour to continuously develop our employees’ environmental awareness and culture. We undertake appropriate reviews and evaluations of our operations to measure progress and to foster compliance with this policy.
- Conduct and support research to improve the understanding of our business’s impact on the environment, to improve methods of environmental protection and to enhance our capability to make our operations compatible with the environment.
- Manage and control to the best extent possible emissions, wastes and the consumption of natural resources in line with sustainable shipping principles. We design, operate and maintain facilities and procedures to this end to avoid to the best extend practicable pollution from Oil/associated products/ chemicals, Noxious Liquid Substances, Dangerous Goods, Sewage, Garbage, Ballast Water, Cargo Vapours, Engine Exhaust emissions, Halons, CFCs, Noise and Coatings.
- Share our experience with others to facilitate improvements in industry performance.
This policy has the full support of the top management and applies to all employees of Almi Tankers.