Almi Tankers is proud to announce that it has retained its recognition according to the Investors in People standard, after a follow-up assessment conducted at the head office by Investors in People International.
This achievement could not have been accomplished without the willing, honest and open participation of all Almi Tankers head office team members, whose continuous commitment to our values, professionalism and efforts to work together as one team towards achieving our vision, have been invaluable.
The Investors in People (IIP) standard is an internationally recognised tool for assuring best practice for improving performance through the training, development and management of people. By maintaining this recognition, the team of Almi Tankers have accomplished an objective that was set at the very beginning of the company’s activities five years ago. Almi Tankers has always identified its people to be the key contributor to its success and had pursued the Investors in People recognition in order to officially state its commitment to make the best of its people and recognise their contribution. Almi Tankers intends to further optimise the way it manages its people through the management of change process and by constantly implementing our philosophy of continuous improvement.